Legal services of Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk)

Legal services :

Total items: 48, Views: 324068
Private pdprimstvo "Urbanes-consulting"
Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk), prospect Anoshka (for a mage."Friendship

tel. 05692 3-23-29
Uridin buhgalters services yuridichnimi Picnik obam:
- residential buildings. disputes;
- disputes in the social spher pensijnogo zabezpechennya;
- trudov disputes (zabolevanii s/plat, to the nezakoyena zvilnennya, ponovleniya on robot TA I n.);
- suprovodzhennya vikonavchogo propaganda (robot s bodies Derzhavno wykonawca service);
- Zahist rights spozhivachiv;
- suprovodzhennya notarialna di;
- predstavnytstvo interest CNT in the courts zagalna jurisdict;
- skladany said list, skarg, claims, posuv, dogovoru TA I n.;
- sman disputes (razluchennye, poll lane, alimenti, vstanovlennya Batista, usenewline, pozbavlennya Batista rights )
- civl disputes (zabolevaemosti for nadan residential-so, telecomunicacion services, services telebachennya that radobelina, povernennya the pozika, stagnant zabolevaemost, the recognition of the right wlasnosc, semelin disputes that, vcscommand fizichnogo, FINANSOVOGO, moral zbytku, Rosal lane, rozhrania dogovoru, snatt Aristo s lane, povernennya lane, Yak illegally pereboeva have Volodin truth osib TA I n.);
- adminstration pravopisanie (RTA, poperedzhennya, strafe, pozbavlennya special law (polyuvannya the control of transportnymi zasobami), public work, propaganda on scargo gromadyan, oskarzhennya rsen, DJ ABO bezdarnost organs one of posadowa osib TA I n.)
- abonentskiy obslugovuvannya yuridichnih osib - operation legal. consultats (USN pismo), Svoya opoen about SMN in zakonodaja acts, that storytime diyalnosti Clit, the fate of the negotiations with the counterparties clst, legal. soproud land CLT, including th lands W neruhomistyu, restrict, reorganize, lcvac yuridichnih osib, development of th the determination of price whether yakih documents, of delovodstva, predstavnytstvo I Zahist interest clst in reigning bodies, wykonawca service in gospodarska Sud the courts zagalna jurisdict (Razavi, dolgostroi) TA. in.;
-profesine buhgalterskie suprovodzhennya that obslugovuvannya: vedennja Buhgalter, buhgaltersko TST, podatkovi oblik.
Actual on 03.10.2017
Legal advice around the clock by phone
Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk), Medical, 26

tel. +38 (050) 502
The main activity of the company "Lawyer 24 Ukraine" aimed at legal protection and advice on mobile phone round the clock without holidays and weekends. Now everyone will be able to solve their everyday problems on the mobile phone with the help of human rights lawyers.
The company "Lawyer 24 Ukraine" has created a new, affordable, effective and highly convenient mobile service for ordinary people.

By purchasing our unlimited consulting maps "Lawyer 24" at a price 175 UAH. - 6 months 275 UAH.- 12 month, 600 UAH. - 12 months (+ document by e-mail) you gain protection for themselves and their families.
You need a map if:
• You were fired from work and is not paid a salary;
• You don‘t know whether the right of the employee to carry out the inspection DAI;
• You don‘t know how to register the land;
• You don‘t know how to make the inheritance;
• You need to collect outstanding debts;
• You don‘t know how to behave in conflict situations in the framework of the law;
• You need to conduct a legal analysis of the event;
• You have lost your personal property (theft, burglary, robbery, etc.);
• Valet requires payment;
• Neighbors flooded Your apartment;
• You do not efficiently repaired appliances, or equipment;
• You have poisoned food in a cafe or restaurant;
• You want to cheat or have cheated in the calculations for anything;
• You are not given citizenship or a residence permit in Ukraine;
• You are not happy with the passenger or freight forwarders;
• You don‘t in time deliver the goods;
• You sold a quality product;
• Neighbors you do not give to sleep at night;
• Builders have efficiently made the repairs in Your premises;
• The station did not efficiently repaired Your car;
• You harassing ex-husband or boyfriend;
• Civil servants refuse to accept you or resolve Your situation;
• You have to extort money in educational institutions;
• Your street is an abandoned house, and You want to become its owner;
• Have you lost a close relative, and funeral service want to cash in on this;
• You have unreasonably high utility bills;
• You do not pay extra allowance for child care up to 3 years;
• Your friend or family member was contacted by scammers, and you fear for his fate;
• Competitors trying to take business away from You;
• You want to illegally initiate criminal proceedings;
• You have submitted to certain authorities application or complaint, and she didn‘t react;
• You cheated the online store;
• You cheated in the market or supermarket;
• You got in an accident;
• You are not satisfied with the services of the tour operator
Actual on 03.10.2017
The of Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk) telephone directory contains information about the city`s enterprises.You are in the section "Legal services" of the city Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk). If you do not see business cards, then most likely they are still If you are a resident of of Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk), and you know the enterprises of this city well, you can help us fill this section, and add one or several business phones yourself. This will help other users of the site find the phone in the city Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk). All applications are subject to mandatory moderation.
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