Roger rabbit, veterinary clinic. Dzerzhinsk, Ukraine

Views: 66

You can contact us at any time. The clinic works round the clock. It is convenient for all pet owners. The ambulance may need suddenly. If your dog or choke a cat will rise high temperature, don‘t wait until tomorrow, call now. Only in this case, your beloved pet can be saved. Pet will be less suffer. Remember, your efficiency depends on the health and the life of the pet.
You can consult professional experts for all the questions that relate to Pets. Disease is much easier to prevent. Well, if you could come in for a preventive visit to the vet with your pet immediately after his arrival. Then you will be given special recommendations for feeding and caring for a pet. You will be able to decide whether you need sterilization. In any case, your pet will be under professional supervision.


Donetsk oblast
Dzerzhinsk city

str. Gagarina, 7

tel. 8 (495) 665-29-35

Actual on 01.01.2018
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