Fitness trainer Lily Feoktistova. Feodosiya, Ukraine

Views: 105

LF-sport is a sports movement which has opened in the city, and timed this all coming. Lily Feoktistova. Known in his town coach and a girl with an active lifestyle. Here you can sign up for personal and group training with Lily. Participate in sports events in the city of Feodosiya and other Crimean cities.
I lead a sports activity - it is my income and my lifestyle. I teach fitness, dance, stretching (stretching). At some point, I wanted to give as much to those girls who come to my group. I decided to include working for a jog in the morning, so a little hooked at first one girl, then the second, etc. In the end, we decided that has to present itself and let everyone join us. We made a few reposts in Feodosia groups "in contact" and we began calling and visiting and even guys. In the end, guys even more than girls. Today a small group has grown in the team, which now consists of more than 20 people, they participate in our organizational meetings, flash mobs.


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Feodosiya city

blvd.var Starshinova, 12-D

tel. +7 (978) 864-26-44
Actual on 01.01.2018
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