Lombard Sail. Kiev, Ukraine

Views: 165


The lowest percentage in Kiev under the pledge of jewelry is 0.55% per day in the amount of 5000 UAH

In addition we accept secured by :

large appliances: washing machine, fridge freezer etc.
mobile phones, tablets, laptops, recorders, desktop PCs
office equipment
audio, video and photographic equipment
watch the world‘s leading manufacturers
construction tool
fishing equipment
bicycles and other sports equipment
We are 5 minutes from metro Osokorki

Kiev , prospect Bazhana, 12

Mode of operation: 8.00 — 22.00 (daily)


Kyiv region
Kiev city

rayon Solom'yanskiy, str. Prosveshch
Svyatoshinskiy rayon, str. Zodchih, 62
Obolonskiy rayon, str. Geroev Dnepra, 29
blvd. Perova, 15
str. Andreya Malyshko, 5
blvd. Perova, 32
str. Arhitektora Verbitskogo, 32a
Goloseevskiy rayon, ave. Hauki, 4
Shevchenkovskiy rayon, str. Eleny Teligi
Minskiy ave., 2, r-k Ploshchadi Shevchen
str. Yakuba Kolasa, 8v
str. Evgeniya Harchenko, 31
Hovopirogovskaya str., 50
str. Miropolskaya, 13b
ave. Hikolaya Bazhana, 12, str. 5a
ave. Pravdy, 3a
Solomyanskiy rayon,str. Georgiya Kirpy,
str. Yakira, 17a
str. Saksaganskogo, 129b
Vitaliy, ave. Bazhana, 12

tel. +380 (95) 402-58-57
tel. +380 (93) 206-54-68
tel. +380 (68) 148-35-77
tel. +380 (66) 186-20-52
tel. +380 (95) 592-45-40

Actual on 01.01.2018
Project SPRAVKA109.RU © 2025