Our fur Atelier offers next services:
- Individual tailoring of fur coats, coats, vests, jackets and other fur products.
- Exclusive sewing fur and fur products of any complexity.
- Restoration of fur coats, seal fur products – giving new life to obsolete models.
- Repair of fur of any complexity. Restoration of fur coats.
- Repair of the fur - removing fading, cleaning and removal of defects.
- Replacement of lining, repair of scuffs, cleaning, replacing hooks, etc.
- Warranty service
- Post-warranty service
- Cleaning of fur products
The company "Exotic leather" is engaged in sale of leather of exotic animals ( crocodile, alligator, Caiman, Python, ostrich,lizard). Also, we have a wide range of fur (sable, marten, mink, lynx, Bob cat, Fox, Fox, etc.)
For more information You can view on our website https://sites.google.com/site/ekzoticeskaakoza/