LLC "Norma Pravov". Kirovograd, Ukraine

Views: 209
◊ Anals, skladany, suprovodzhennya dogovoru, contacts whether ACO skladnosti

◊ Perevirka contragents

◊ Predstavnytstvo interest in the courts usih rwnv, including that in mineralnih courts
podatkov TA INSHI disputes in the courts administrativnih

◊ Suprovodzhennya Pervak controluce organs

◊ Buhgalterskij oblik TA audit

◊ Intelektualna Vlasnist

◊ Korporativne right. Yuridichni audit. Corporation disputes.

◊ Mediation


Kirovograd region
Kirovograd city

Elworthy, 5, 223

tel. 0675205073
tel. 0995253093
Actual on 22.05.2018
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