The language school Dream Way offers a number of conversational courses for children and adults.
Our advantages
All our courses are designed to develop conversational skill. We select individually the necessary textbooks , audio and video materials based on the initial knowledge and skills of our students . You also have the opportunity to attend a conversation club or an interactive English club for Your children for free. Our classes interesting and effective. We are constantly working to improve and Supplement the teaching material.
2. The pricing policy.
We have a very loyal pricing policy. We keep affordable prices, as we want the classes we had available to everyone. In addition there is a flexible system of discounts. Group classes from 250 UAH/month. And Speaking Club or Movie Club for kids – is the ability to increase vocabulary and improve conversational skill for You and your children.
3. Individual approach to each.
Classes are held in morning, afternoon and evening time. Schedule of classes, we take into account the interests and capabilities of our students.
English for adults and children
Polish language - for children from 5 years of age, for University, for obtaining the card of the Pole
German, French, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Chinese and Japanese languages - individual and group lessons.
The paperwork for immigration to Canada.
Educational Centre "YES" invites to training of adults and children:
ENGLISH for kids from 3 years - learn a language in a playful way
ENGLISH FOR STUDENTS - grammar, preparation for TESTING, spoken English
ENGLISH - speaking course for any level
Our teachers undergo annual training in the Universities of Britain
POLISH LANGUAGE - for University, for obtaining the card of the POLE, experienced teacher, issuing of the certificate B2.
Preparing for school - reading, writing, mathematics,logic, development of coherent speech, psychological adaptation workshop.
Autorizovany osti the centre of Cambridge "NSA Osvita" - diavolette of uchbovo bet scho zaposlitev methodology vikladannya the MOU from Pravda FNV britans. Mi ucimo movam in nsomo. In our Arsenal: online - Patrika navchannya, povna vdova from Domash, saudan, nielns vikladach, neefektivn techniques ninous programs include, NaBr in a groupie postijno, specalty mown Kursi for work that navchannya for cordon pagatavo to SDAC mineralnih spits IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge Test preparation programs include intensive students to pershoho roku navchannya in Polish from filologa Spoleczno Academ of Sciences (Warsaw). Free of charge: first lesson Rosman club, vikonannya skelnik, samdani. Sostros in Hi Out!