Dear partners! We inform You about the reopening of the centre of advertising "PASSENGER-INFO" in the city of Lugansk. Our main scope of activity - provision of services for the advertising inside taxis.
You need to advertise your business or have a need in finding qualified employees? Our specialists will readily assist you in the placement of advertising leaflets in aesthetic panels "PASSENGER-INFO" inside of minibuses Lugansk and, if necessary, in developing the original layout.
We have the highest degree of responsibility to its business reputation and do our best to the customers advertising received quality service TSR "PASSENGER-INFO", and thousands of passengers taxi Lugansk learned about the exclusivity of goods, services, and staffing vacancies for our customers. We will be glad to cooperation!
Advertising center "PASSAZHIR-INFO"
Sincerely, Oksana Zhukova
+38 095-057-33-53
Advertising in transport of Lugansk, is in the bus Lugansk, Is in the passenger transport of the city of Lugansk! "Town Cryer".: 099-64-972-64
Our advertising will be useful for Your business!
Advertising in transport Luhansk - this is a brand new way to Express yourself!Quality placement of Your ads in modern advertising tablets within passenger transport, ensure the high efficiency to promote Your business!
Advertising in transport Luhansk - is primarily a quality and attractive appearance! Why advertising in minibuses Lugansk "town Cryer" uses a special advertising tablet. Advertising tablet transport — it‘s unique design, which allows not only profitable to place ads in the most prominent place of salon of a share taxi, but also to protect it from the adverse effects of the environment!
Advertising in buses of Luhansk is now! In our city by means of public transportation used by more than 80% of the population. One day one of the route taxis transport at least 300 people who will notice and appreciate Your ad! So, in a month the number of potential customers Your company reaches 10 000 people!
Clipboards are only beginning to gain popularity (which will certainly highlight Your ad). But, already today is not difficult to assess their productivity!
The company "City journal" offers its customers the most effective advertising with minimal cost!