The company "Ukrgidromet" performs work on the territory of Ukraine :
the company started to start in 1996 and has great experience in the sphere of its activities.
The company "Ukrgidromet" is one of the leading companies for implementation of drilling works, construction of water towers, reservoirs, tanks, silos, water on the territory of Ukraine.
We are one of the leading companies for implementation of such products and services:
Construction of water towers Rozhnovsky system.
Manufacturer of aboveground and underground tanks of RVS, CSG up to 1000 cubic meters
Manufacturing of Silos and hoppers for bulk solids
Manufacture of waste containers (tanks)
Manufacturer (device) of the Foundation under the water tower FBG
Installation and dismantling of water towers FBG
Installation of tanks and silos
And our company has its own car Park and auxiliary equipment which can deliver marker or clearance of the product to the place of installation.
Travel specialist:
And to be specialists to the place of delivery and installation of the tower for inspection of the soil and preparation of Foundation or inspection of the old Foundation before the installation of the new water tower manufactured by OOO" Ukrgidromet".