Nation UA BO charity Foundation. Odessa, Ukraine

Views: 126

Our main task is to support migrants from Donbass and Crimea, the involvement of the public and commercial structures to the case of philanthropy, the Association of creative, intellectual and material resources around the ideas that contribute to the development of Ukraine as a state, and the personal growth of individual subjects and categories of citizens.

Organize events that promote the employment, self-employment, creating new jobs for immigrants. Develop programs to address housing problems.

Promote cultural, social and economic integration of immigrants in the local community.


Odessa oblast
Odessa city

str. Zooparkovaya, 12, str. 4

tel. +3 (8066) 816-58-52
tel. +3 (8096) 422-34-96
tel. +3 (8063) 692-75-92
Actual on 01.01.2018
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