Environmental organizations of Odessa

Environmental organizations :

Total items: 31, Views: 79304
Odessa, str. Bolshaya Arnautskaya, 24

tel. +380 (482) 37-75-32
Actual on 01.01.2018
TRANS-terminal limited
Odessa, Vodoprovodnaya str., 1A

tel. +380 (48) 706-75-63
Actual on 01.01.2018
Odessa, str. Balkovskaya, 120/1, str. 517

tel. +380 (48) 794-31-58
Actual on 01.01.2018
Odessa, str. Rishelevskaya, 18

tel. +380 (97) 839-76-72
Actual on 01.01.2018
Southern center for scientific and technical activities ...
Odessa, 65020, str. Bazarnaya, 104

tel. +380 (48) 728-00-46
Actual on 01.01.2018
KP Center for environmental issues and initiatives ...
Odessa, 65045, ave. Aleksandrovskiy, 4

tel. +380 (48) 785-06-80
Actual on 01.01.2018
GP Special scientific-research and design Institute ...
Odessa, str. Ivana Franko, 55

tel. +380 (97) 478-84-48
Actual on 01.01.2018
Center of Certification, Metrology and Standardization of Environmental ...
Odessa, str. Kosmonavtov, 35

tel. +380 (97) 254-68-57

Z of hotel sertifkat:
- Automoble;
- Promislovo;
- Harsovo;
- Cologne
1. Sertifkat UkrSEPRO;
2. Declaration Vdovec tennis regulations;
3. Vdovine Sheet (rsena for mitnic);
4. Santerno-epdemiology the conclusion of the(session);
5. Evropeiskii sertifkat (CE markuvannya);
6. Sertifkat the Declaration Miten Union (TR CU)
Standardized(menards, naconal):
- ISO 9001, DSTU ISO 9001 – management acctg;
- ISO 14001, ISO 14001– fish navkolishn of seredovischa;
- ISO 22000 DSTU ISO 22000 – BEZPEKA harchova promislovist management System BEZPEKA of food products and food (HACCP);
- OHSAS 18001, OHSAS 18001 DSTU – I ohorona BEZPEKA Pratsi;
Certifcate laboratories;
Sonorium recovery;
Permit to virobnictvo, sberkassa, transportowana, usage, zahoroneniya, znesennya utiltity atroinic recover, including the fact that products and biotechnolog NSA Bologna agents.
- Deklarowanej vdovec in Ukraine.
- Development of TU (technon umove) that mix application rate of changes to the specifications;
- Retrace medichnih vyrobu;
- The conclusion of the SBU;
- Mix application rate from registration Dobrev agrochemicals Pesticid;
- Permit Me Ukrchastotnadzor
Z of hotel Cologne standardizat:
- Vikonannya Naukovo-Dolly robt s pressing problems prirodookhrannoe diyalnosti that prirodokoristuvannya;
- Spriyannya development of certific;
- Certifcate of quality management systems, including systems cologna management;
- Vikonannya robot have sper standardizat, sertifkat, markuvannya, metrolog;
- Vikonannya ekologo-ekspertnykh robt for projectw budownictwa;
- Vikonannya analtica dozen montoring z], z pressing Petani receptionists] that the rational usage prirodnih resursu;
- Holding inventarisasi jerel wikidb Zarudnyi recover in atmosphere air;
- Rosablanca proektu normativu boundary permissible skidanja rechovin have wodn Ob objects;
- Inwentaryzacja vchodu pdprimstvo, development restovich cards Ob CTV utvorennya, obramleny utilzas vchodu, passports vchodu pasportu MSCI vidalina vchodu;
- The fate of sdisney for doruchennya upolnomochennogo authority management Cologno expertise;
- Holding and coordinating of Naukova TA Naukovo-tehnic dozen piranah peretvorennya Chornobilsca case vderevne in Cologne bezpecne territory, Realt radacina-zabrudnennya territories, and also carefree powodzenia s radiactivity othodami, depresivnom yadernim palivom gerolami ontouch vipraha;
- Holding square cologna of expertise proektu I Ob CTW;
- Holding Cologne pasportist, stvorennya nformation-analtica bases difference that informacini systems schodo won];
- Pagacova documentats for producing documents dozvolennogo the nature of SFER: wikidb Zarudnyi in air atmosferi, SPACELINE vodokhreshchennya, utvorennya that rosena vchodu toscho;
- Nadanna consultatino informatino relief pdprimstvo, setups, organsism, Picnik personages of the receptionists pitani];
- Ukladannya dogovoriv the land about spitraw suspilno operation, vstanovlennya pryamih contact required yazkiv s nachalnymi the mortgages, naukowymi the setups, nachalnymi centers, pdprimstvo, organzatsii, domstate, funds I tovarischami, and also picname people have sper prirodookhrannoe diyalnosti TA Cologno osti;
Spriyannya zabezpeceny vsamom, harmonic diyalnosti TA spitrit s mineralnymi, the national Hemi systems standardises, sertifkat markuvannya.

Actual on 01.01.2018
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