Secondary market type of property that alumni constructs from the factory manufacturer. Shipping free of charge! Zamir bezkoshtovne!
Plating balkonu "pid key". Suruwal of work.
Bronedver (metal 2 mm), Metelev Reschke.
Galus horizontal, vertical, Rulon, store.
Sachin rolete, Garan gate.
Komplektuyuchi: antimoskit SDI, pdfcan, VDRIVE.
Repair of PVC that alumni designs. Reguluvannya furnture.
Mozliwosci pridbati Vikna in rassrochku.
Democratic prices! Accne installation! Nisbets line!
Vertices for adresou: m. Poltava, vul. Kalinina, 43 (Rinok "Almazniy")