Sev-apteka. Sevastopol, Ukraine

Views: 80

Delivery of kits to sites. First aid kits, car and office, for organizations and institutions . Retail and wholesale delivery of medicines, madavaram, medical equipment, disinfectants, and operating sets. Diagnostic devices, home and professional physiotherapy. Offer You take advantage of our services on ensuring the supply of medicines for your objects. The company spetsializiruyutsya on the formation of their orders and delivery. Low prices, fast formation, maintenance. All medicines are required to undergo incoming inspection and passed on to the consumer only with a quality certificate!
First aid kits, car and office, for organizations and institutions . Retail and wholesale delivery of medicines, madavaram, medical equipment, disinfectants, and operating sets.Lyapko applicators and devices home physical therapy DENAS.


The Autonomous Republic Of Crimea
Sevastopol city

299053, str. Vakulenchuka, 29

tel. +7 (978) 254-82-64
tel. +7 (978) 811-16-50
tel. +7 (978) 843-53-24
Actual on 01.01.2018
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