Delicious hot pies delivered to your house in Simferopol!
We specializiruetsya exclusively in the baking of delicious cakes on their own original recipes.
Pies, Pibiri will be the perfect solution for the festive table and the usual family dinner.
Each of our cake to be prepared individually for you and delivered as quickly as possible, so you can enjoy hot pies at home or in the office.
Our menu always:
HEARTY PIES with chicken, Turkey, seafood
VEGETABLE PIES with selected vegetables and spices
SWEET CAKES with berries and ripe fruits
NATURAL DRINKS – soft drinks and fruit drinks homemade
Dear friend, we are pleased to announce that your town has a unique network of institutions in Eastern European cuisine!
"Sinobi sushi" is a network of institutions brought together a team of professional chefs who have extensive experience in the best establishments. In restaurants and cafes passed a good school of cooking dishes of different countries and peoples.
We gathered in one group to go towards a common goal – to deliver the most delicious food in the city.
Always do when ordering food at home enough assortment? Or perhaps You are allergic to certain foods? Freedom in the choice of ingredients is important! For Your convenience, the menu the opportunity to copyright the compilation of rolls and pizza!
Delicious food is what You expect while booking! Therefore, we do not save on ingredients, choosing only the highest quality products for cooking.
"Sinobi sushi" has collected the best recipes of Eastern and Western cuisine to provide You a great choice.
Our team is not going to stand still. We welcome suggestions and new suggestions is able to improve the quality of service and accommodate all your interests.