Activity of our company is represented in several directions. The first is the development and production of Christmas packing of textiles, tin, cardboard and other materials. Our staff includes experienced designers, artists, and designers on packaging, allowing us to create a unique range of products for our customers. The second area prepacking and sale of Christmas gifts in the packaging of various materials with candy filling for different tastes and budgets. The range includes more than 200 gifts. We try to provide supply all kinds of Christmas packing, which is very convenient and profitable for our clients, because you can get a good discount from the order amount and ship the products in one place. In addition we are packers Christmas gifts, and very well understand how important a beautiful and high quality package, because it sells the gift. Gift factory "Darell" — we know a lot about Christmas gifts!
Specialized shop for confectioners in Crimea has more than 3000 items of stock.
Everything you need for the pastry You can buy in the store. Wide range, great prices, shipping to all over the Crimea and Russia. call
Shop for pastry!
The range of mastic all colors of the rainbow, food coloring, chocolate,sugar pictures, tools for working with cream and fondant, molds for making flowers, cutting, packaging for confectionery and much more.