You can buy commercial equipment for shop and other accessories and components, such as : #of tolovesomebody #wesleyville (shoulders, trample), #torgovitsky (grille) white, silver metallic colors and chrome, and also hooks of various lengths, arcs, and rings under the caps, coasters shoes, flute in the grid (for which there are special balls, through which the hangers and stuff on them look neater and are at the same distance from each other, to things they looked neater and not "bunch together"), shelf brackets in the rack and space-saving panel, lintels and arches, flutes and brackets for them, guns tags and guns for price tags, steamers for clothes hand-held and stationary stalls, tents, vending tables and more that will make the work easier and more pleasant.
Our address:
St. Kuban 9
Pushkin street 44 TTS Labyrinth mage. 37
+7 978 713 13 14
+7 978 713 05 55
Web site:www.hardware-Crimea.Russia