Training centres of Simferopol

Training centres :

Total items: 6, Views: 74423
Simferopol, per. Elevatornyy, 16

tel. +7 (978) 736-59-77

In accordance with information letter of the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Russian Federation from 25.12.2014 No. 15-0/In 1985, ANO DPO "Crimean centre of training of specialists" conducts training of employees of organizations under the following programs:

Safe methods and techniques of work at height (work at heights up to 5 meters, including application of inventory tools podsushivanija) – 5 days, 4 000 RUB.
The person responsible for the organization and safe conduct of work at height (work at heights up to 5 meters, including application of inventory tools podsushivanija) – 5 days, 4 500 RUB/person.
Employees of the 1st group and at height (working at height more than 5 meters) – 5 days, 4 000 RUB. (periodic training every 3 years)
The staff of the 2nd group for safety at height (work at height more than 5 meters) – 7 days, 5 000 RUB. (periodic training every 3 years)
The staff of the 3rd group on the safety at height (work at height more than 5 meters) – 7 days, 6 000 RUB. (periodic training every 5 years)
Employees of the 1st group and at height (working at height over 5 meters, including with the use of rope access methods) – 5 days, 5 000 RUB. (periodic training every 3 years)
The staff of the 2nd group for safety at height (working at height over 5 meters, including with the use of rope access methods) – 7 days, 7 000 RUB. (periodic training every 3 years)
The staff of the 3rd group on the safety at height (working at height over 5 meters, including with the use of rope access methods) – 7 days, 9 000 RUB. (periodic training every 5 years)
Training – 2 days, 2000 RUB/person
Theory and practice of professional training and additional professional education of workers performing work at height and ensuring the implementation of these works (the program of training of teachers and members of the evaluation committees of educational organizations) – 5 days, 15 000 RUB.
An extraordinary test of knowledge is conducted on the basis of the application of the enterprise according to the agreed schedule.
Course duration: 1 day.

Tuition fees: 2 000 RUB.

The exam is conducted by qualified specialists, certified according to the new "Rules on labor protection when working at height".


Additional information:
by phone +7 (978) 745-64-84

Actual on 01.01.2018
Simferopol, str. Balaklavskaya, 68

tel. +7 (978) 726-77-71

Training of security guards. The profession of "guard" is one of the most demanded in the modern labour market. More and more companies and individuals use the services of specialists in environmental protection. CHOU Vympel will help you with this, come to us.

Actual on 01.01.2018
MyWay, courses of vocational guidance of high school students in Simferopol and the Crimea ...
Simferopol, str. Sevastopolskaya, 62A, str. 417

tel. +7 (978) 728-67-38

The aim of the course is to develop in adolescents, the skill of self-determination in their activities. To get answers to questions - what are my strengths, my interests, my abilities. And what‘s the activity (occupation) will help me realize all this.

The course includes training (8 participants) + 3 individual meetings with each participant + 1 meeting with parents.
1. Group training - Saturday, 10.00 – 19.00 (with break for lunch)
2. Schedule personal meetings (3 meetings for 1.5 hours) is determined with each participant individually
3. Meeting with parents discussion of the results of course participant - by appointment

What to know and what will learn a course participant?

Group training (from 10.00 to 19.00):
1. Determine why the activity and profession. What matters most to you? Money? Thank? To realize their potential? Under every motive for looking for a profession.

2. How do you see the business of your dreams? Your perfect class or classes? Your perfect surroundings? Your perfect place to work? Do you have a calling? And how to understand what is calling you?

3. Get acquainted with the world of the future. What occupations will be in demand in 5-10 years. Because the world is changing rapidly. The rate of change in the social life, technology, etc. increases in tens times. So by the time of graduation will die dozens and there will be dozens of new professions. How to choose a profession that will be at the peak of demand in 5-10 years?

Individual meetings (3 sessions of 1.5 hours):

1 meeting - Defined area of interest. What do you like doing now and what I want to do in the future? Even seemingly small Hobbies can, as a puzzle, formed in the image of your future profession.

Meeting 2 – Define the scope of your abilities. It turns out I‘m good now? And in this search are also all significant. In what profession can develop your current Hobbies and skills now!!!

3 meeting - Putting everything you‘ve learned about yourself and your abilities in a single picture that the card will show you the way to profession of your dreams.

The result of the training the list of professions in which the student can most successfully be realized in the future. As well as discussing the list of educational institutions where the student can get education for selected professions.

Upon completion of the course — advice parents.

Actual on 01.01.2018
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