Drukarnya Wolf Sumi. Sumy, Ukraine

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Currently, we produce: business cards, flyers, booklets, folders, magazines, catalogs, brochures, pocket calendars, wall, letterheads, transformers, frog, paper bags and much more...

Thanks to the wide specialization of the printing house, You do not need to contact several firms to manufacture various kinds of printing products. For You, we will develop, produce and deliver products "turnkey".

The company always keeps pace with the times and offers innovation - hybrid printing.

Technology of hybrid printing – a technology that allows to realize the printing of the feelings and sensations that you want to give experience to the client. This technology turns a flat illustration in a beautiful image with a strong tactile effect.

Creating the illusion of touching a surface of an object is a horse of a hybrid printing. Technologically this is achieved by combining the plot of glossy and matte with the effect of "orange peel" surfaces.

The advantages of hybrid printing:

• under the action of UV nail Polish colors become brighter and richer;
• the possibility of drawing fine lines and exact match with the picture gives a beautiful
visual effects due to the combination of two varnishes;
• tactile effects, the illusion of touching the image of the object;
• production of printed hybrid inks on plain paper, creates the illusion of using expensive material at a much lower financial investment;
• impact protection - with full coverage of the sheet with varnish protection products from external sources of exposure

We have made the "hybrid" printing passed from hand to hand, like a work of art.

We work while You rest!


Sumy region
Sumy city

40000, str. G. Kondrateva, 25

tel. +38 (067) 343-77-83

Actual on 01.01.2018
Project SPRAVKA109.RU © 2025