Salon - shop "happy room". Vinnitsa, Ukraine

Views: 69

From our salon-MAGAZIN you can bought for fabricname CNAME:

1. Kitchen ( s facades wood, ash, oak, wlha)

2. On zamovlennya kitchen s MDF for ndivia dizaynerskogo project

3. Funkcjonalne Shafi coupe

4. Exclusive furniture for spaln, comfort like s derevyny (vlga, beech) will dostupnim CNAM vegetables for ndial project (wood: oak, ash, maple).

5. Orthopedics matrasi the pillows.

6. Great choice Cologne-chistih tapestries virobnictva Tal, Franz, Englandiï Nmachine s molist zamovlennya.

7. A wide assortment laminowane palagi, parkitna of planks, virobnictva Nmachine, Austr Eston.

8. Interior doors, spanova natural oak wtfismaname the manufacturer.


Mi spivpratsya tilki s perevireni vironniemi, that itinen have a quality product.

We will red bacite You salon - MAGAZIN Happy Room!


Winnitca region
Vinnitsa city

str. Lyali Ratushnaya, 18

tel. +038 (063) 20-09-550
tel. +038 (97) 188-22-12
Actual on 01.01.2018
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