New pet GROOMING "Dubois" has been opened on the array Levanevskogo (opposite Kaplicky).
We provide full range of services to care for Your Pets.
All manipulations with animals are conducted WITHOUT ANAESTHESIA !!!
Comprehensive grooming includes bathing (professional makeup) and drying,
trimming nails, cleaning ears, udalenie "tear tracks"
removing tangles, combing shedding coat.
Cleaning perianalny glands at the request of owners.
Record by phone 068-68-68-670
Dog grooming
— York, shit-zu, Maltese, spaniels, pudeli, resonantly Metso.
Grooming shit-zu, Maltese, York NSA Dougherty port.
Trimming astroshastra port (Shnauzer, Terri, taxi)
The haircut that trimming included: Capanna, drying, vidalina Koltun, haircut-trimming, pdrake HGTV the other for neophyt.
Haircut kotv
without anesthesia, akuratno, Garneau, profesine
Vicsun pid hour shedding
RosBR Koltun (least vtrati serst)
Cupana s vikoristannyam profesine cosmetics
Drying and styling
Parske cgta
Osobisty pdhd to coino of animals.
Sandman agresivn, animals Ter obslugovuyuche.