Dog grooming
— York, shit-zu, Maltese, spaniels, pudeli, resonantly Metso.
Grooming shit-zu, Maltese, York NSA Dougherty port.
Trimming astroshastra port (Shnauzer, Terri, taxi)
The haircut that trimming included: Capanna, drying, vidalina Koltun, haircut-trimming, pdrake HGTV the other for neophyt.
Haircut kotv
without anesthesia, akuratno, Garneau, profesine
Vicsun pid hour shedding
RosBR Koltun (least vtrati serst)
Cupana s vikoristannyam profesine cosmetics
Drying and styling
Parske cgta
Osobisty pdhd to coino of animals.
Sandman agresivn, animals Ter obslugovuyuche.