Happy Clinic – a new level of relationship to the client
Why we should start the description of the Happy Clinic, so it is with the service. Although it‘s official and just someone else‘s word is not suitable for us. We prefer to use the term "attitude to the customer". Human attitude is a warm meeting between client, care and understanding. For our clients the best professionals, materials, and equipment. We want to get away from the relationship "doctor - patient". For us it is important equality, the atmosphere of informality and ease.
Happy Clinic – we speak with you
We are convinced that a large part of the fear and anxiety associated with dental treatment is the misunderstanding that arises between doctor and patient, or rather, lack of awareness of the patient about the state of his teeth, the procedures which he will undergo at the clinic. That is why customers are Happy Clinic (our patients are our customers) know about dentistry more than ordinary people. We just agreed to tell everything, and doctors are taught to speak so that even the most complex diagnosis and the most sophisticated manipulations were clear to everyone. In each phase (examination, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation), our customers know everything about what is happening in their mouth. The course is video, 3D animation, drawings and explanations of the doctor - all that is needed to inform the customer.